With the growing popularity of various grants programs, specialized sites allowing applying via Internet are created.
Applicants are provided with instructions and useful hints simplifying the overwhelming task of participating in a grant program. Actually, the application process consists of four main steps preceding the submission of the form. First step - downloading a grant package Having registered at the site as an individual researcher or organization, the applicants may proceed to downloading the grant package.
It is possible to fill in the forms being offline and collect all the necessary information and documentation without rush. In case if technical problems occur while downloading the package, applicants should verify the version of installed Adobe software and check its compatibility with the site.
Second step - completing the application form Completing the application package offline, a researcher should provide only accurate information and try to avoid leaving blank fields. It is advisable to save the changes while filling in the documents to make sure that all information is updated.
One should proofread the form several times omitting all mistakes and allotting time to formatting the document. These trifles are significant for producing positive impression or spoiling it. Third step - submitting the completed package After proofreading and revising the package several times, an applicant might pass over "stafaband 30 seconds to mars" submitting it.
Connecting to the Internet, one will have to enter one's login and password to enter the specialized site. After clicking the "save and submit" button, a user will see a confirmation screen. It is important to be attentive and record all useful information appearing on the screen, such as tracking number, for example.
Fourth step - tracking the status of the submitted package After submitting the forms, an applicant should arm oneself with patience and watch the consideration process visiting the "track my application" page from time to time.